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The ESOP Association

ESOP Association Resources

Employee Ownership Month, Employee Ownership Foundation, ESOP Association, ESOP Blog, Resource, Employee Resources
Aug. 26
Let us help you spread the word on employee ownership this October.  
Recently, we were talking to one of our members about her ESOP company’s preparations for Employee Ownership Month (EOM). She shared some of her concerns: 

She was not sure how much bandwidth her fellow employee owners would have for EOM activities, especially since many have school age children who will be home while attending classes remotely this fall.  
ESOPS, Employee Ownership Basics, Employee Resources, ESOPS Succession Planning
Jun. 20
An Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) is a tax-qualified retirement plan authorized and encouraged by federal tax and pension laws. Unlike most retirement plans, ESOPs:
ESOP Brief, Leveraged ESOPs, Convertible Stock, Financing, Resource
Dec. 20
How to use convertible preferred stock in an ESOP.
ESOP Brief, Fair Market Value, Economic Value, Valuation, Distributions, Repurchase Obligation, Resource
Dec. 19
A summary of the valuation issues S corporations can encounter. This is a highly technical ESOP Brief.
ESOP Brief, Leveraged ESOPs, Non-leveraged ESOPs, Financing, Resource
Dec. 19
This Brief describes common accounting practices for non-leveraged and leveraged ESOPs.
ESOP Brief, Tax Benefits, Leveraged ESOPs, ESOP Financing, Resource
Dec. 17
A broad overview of the unique characteristics and advantages of ESOP financing as compared with conventional debt financing.
ESOP Blog, Resource, Government Affairs
Nov. 29
A quick glance at the results of the mid-term elections might leave one feeling that the ESOP community will face challenging days ahead. Certainly the retirement and defeat of key ESOP advocates in Congress—primarily in the House, where tax laws originate—pose a challenge. But there is good news too.
The "Bad" News
First, let’s look at the more challenging news.
We will lose some crucial, long-time ESOP Advocates next year.