Chairman of the ESOP Association Board Gary Shorman and Chapter Development Officer Dan Marcue with 2019's AACE Award Winners

ESOP Association Awards

TEA has unique opportunities for employee owned companies, professionals, and devoted advocates to highlight their excellent works and accomplishments throughout the year. Awards are presented at TEA national conferences in the spring and fall.  


AACE Awards Gallery Setup At the 2019 National Conference

The Annual Awards for Communications Excellence (AACE) Competition identifies companies that excel at communicating with employee owners and the larger community about ESOPs.

Categories for the competition are:

  • Video
  • Print Materials
  • Intranets
  • Community Engagement
  • Single Event
  • Series of Events
  • Total Communications

Each category allows for entries from a Small (under 250 employee owners) and Large (250 employee owners or more) ESOP Company


EOM Hisco

Every October, The ESOP Association and its member companies celebrate Employee Ownership Month (EOM) -- a terrific celebration of the spirit of employee ownership. 

A big part of Employee Ownership Month is the annual poster competition, which highlights the poster that best embodies and exemplifies employee ownership and ESOP culture.

To generate an entry for the Employee Ownership Month (EOM) Poster competition, some members create an internal contest that is both fun and educational for the entire organization.  

    ESOP Luminaries

    Jeff Mounts, 2019 Employee Owner of the Year

    The ESOP Company of the Year and Employee Owner of the Year are selected annually from winners at our 19 chapters and exemplify the spirit and practice of employee ownership.  

    The ESOP Company of the Year excels at engaging its employee owners and educating them about the ESOP and company culture. This company also excels at engaging its elected officials, to ensure continued support for ESOPs, and is active in its local chapter.  

    The Employee Owner of the Year demonstrates a passion and commitment to sharing information and insights about ESOPs with fellow employee owners, colleagues in other ESOP companies, fellow chapter members, and the public. 


    award 3

    Silver ESOP Awards

    Recognizing corporate members of TEA that have celebrated 25 years of ESOP operation.