The Advocacy Academy presented by The ESOP Assocation

Advocacy Academy

The Advocacy Academy is TEA's premier advocacy training program. Our goal is to build your foundational knowledge and provide you with the tools you need to become key participants in the political process.

Advocacy Academy at TEA National Conference

Advocacy Academy
TEA National Logo_Color


Federal Advocacy

Washington, DC


The Advocacy Academy will prepare you to successfully meet with your representatives. Join us for training at the National Conference.

After attending the Advocacy Academy, join your fellow employee owners for meetings with your Members of Congress. This is one of the most important way we, the ESOP Community, can connect with and inform our lawmakers about the importance of employee ownership. We invite all in-person conference attendees to join us!

Note: Please do NOT schedule your own Member of Congress meetings – reach out to as we will have a professional scheduler this year due to changes as a result of COVID-19 and the heightened security at the Capitol.

Learn More About Advocacy Day >>