Employee Ownership Action Network
What is EOAN?

The Employee Ownership Action Network (EOAN) is a free-to-join, grassroots advocacy movement for anyone with a stake in ensuring employee ownership continues to grow and thrive in the US.
Does that sound like you? Fill out the form below!
EOAN explained

What is Grassroots Advocacy?
Grassroots advocacy is exactly what it sounds like, advocacy from the ground up. Single voices banding together, connecting with policy makers, and influencing important legislative decisions. EOAN membership gives you the unique opportunity to promote the value of employee ownership to the people with the power to affect change on a national scale.
Why Does it Matter?
You, a passionate supporter of Employee Ownership are the single most important voice in Washington. Lawmakers want, and need to hear from you, they respond to stories and messages from the people they represent.
EOAN provides a unified and energized voice for our community and creates dialogue for future issues.
Being a member of the Employee Ownership Action Network has its benefits!
- Real-time breaking news alerts: stay on top of the latest legislative and regulatory changes impacting employee ownership.
- Fast and effective communication with leaders in the state and federal government.
- Quarterly policy updates from TEA's expert advocacy team.
- Access to exclusive learning and training opportunities.
How do I Join?
Click here to join today. It's easy, it's free, and take under a minute.
There is power in numbers! The larger EOAN grows, the more influential our collective voice will be! Once you have joined, help us grow the Employee Ownership Action Network by encouraging others in your company to take a few minutes to join.
By responding participating in EOAN Campaigns, you are joining the Employee Ownership Action Network (EOAN).
All EOAN memberships will be for a period of one-year. Prior to the end of that year, you will be sent a request to confirm your membership for the next year. As an individual member of the EOAN, you will receive additional member benefits including action alerts regarding federal public policy, opportunities to interact with lawmakers, and the ability to participate in the ESOP PAC and its activities, including receiving solicitations for your participation in ESOP PAC communications and events.
Please note that you may terminate your membership at any time by emailing esopadvocate@esopassociation.org. Joining the EOAN does not cost any money - there are no membership dues or fees. Furthermore, you do not have to be a member of The ESOP Association to join EOAN.
How it Works:
As an EOAN member, you will be provided real time advocacy alerts on issues impacting our community.
In many cases we will send you an email, where you can follow a few simple steps to immediately generate a message from you to your elected official.
Successful grassroots advocacy starts with the individual. This Network was built to work for you and is quick, easy and effective!