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ESOP Association Resources

Employee Ownership Month, Employee Ownership Foundation, ESOP Association, ESOP Blog, Resource, Employee Resources
Aug. 26
Let us help you spread the word on employee ownership this October.  
Recently, we were talking to one of our members about her ESOP company’s preparations for Employee Ownership Month (EOM). She shared some of her concerns: 

She was not sure how much bandwidth her fellow employee owners would have for EOM activities, especially since many have school age children who will be home while attending classes remotely this fall.  
Program Research
Jun. 20
For nearly the last decade, the Employee Ownership Foundation has provided the funding necessary to collect data regarding employee ownership as part of the General Social Survey (GSS). This survey, and the data it produces, is considered the gold-standard for data used by academic researchers interested in studying the American population. The data is openly available and has subsequently been used by academics to better understand Americans’ attitudes toward employee ownership and the impact it has on their lives. This new report published by Dr. Joseph Blasi and Dr. Doug Kruse of Rutgers University analyzed the newest release of GSS data and observed the overwhelming and uniquely bi-partisan support for employee ownership across all demographics and citizen profiles.
ESOP Report, Legal Update, AACE, Ownership Advantage, S 177, HR 2258, ESOP Transactions, CEO
Jan. 07
ESOP Association launches a new member database and new website.
ESOP Blog, Employee Training, Culture, Employee Ownership Foundation, ESOP Research, Program Research, Resource
Oct. 07
Providing training to employees helps keep their skills sharp and can lead to improved productivity. It also shows a commitment to employee growth and development that may pay additional dividends, including potentially having a positive effect on employee retention.
ESOP Blog, Employee Ownership Foundation, ESOP Research, Employee Ownership Month, Blog, Resource
Oct. 03
In some ways, the benefits of having an ESOP are obvious: Tax benefits for S and C corps probably are at the top of the list, followed closely by increased employee engagement and productivity.
In other areas, research is constantly finding new and important ways that companies benefit from having an ESOP. Here are just some reasons that have been brought to light by recent research.
ESOP Blog, ESOP Benefits, Retirement Benefits, Employee Ownership Foundation, Employee Ownership Basics, Employee Training, Employee Ownership Month, Resource
Oct. 01
Today we kick off Employee Ownership Month, a month-long celebration of ESOPs and an opportunity to educate the world about the benefits employee ownership offers to employees and businesses alike.
It’s a celebration that takes a month to complete because there is that much to like—even, love—about ESOPs. And it is all backed up with data—much of it courtesy of the Employee Ownership Foundation and those who support it.
ESOP Report, Legal Update, Ownership Advantage, Washington Report, President's Corner, Selling an ESOP, Financial Literacy, Employee Ownership Foundation, Resource
Sep. 01

Employee Ownership Foundation launches new website.  

ESOP Blog, Employee Ownership, Employee Ownership Foundation, GSS Research, ESOP Research, Rutgers University, Culture, Resource
Jun. 13
It’s no surprise that Americans disagree about a lot of things….
Just try getting consensus on a group of people’s preference for cats or dogs, pie flavors or person most likely to take the Iron Throne in Game of Thrones. Close to impossible.
ESOP Blog, Employee Ownership Foundation, Wealth Inequality, Rutgers University, Resource
May. 04
There is new evidence that ESOPs can be a powerful mechanism for addressing wealth inequality in America. A study released today by the Rutgers Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing shows that ESOPs help families significantly increase their assets, thereby shrinking gender and racial wealth gaps.
ESOP Brief, Leveraged ESOPs, Convertible Stock, Financing, Resource
Dec. 20
How to use convertible preferred stock in an ESOP.