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The ESOP Association

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Mar. 31
The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 2954, the Securing A Strong Retirement Act (SECURE 2.0) by a massive bi-partisan majority of 414 to 5.  Included in the House-passed version are two provisions that will assist Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) or business owners seeking to establish them.
Mar. 14
Washington, DC, March 14, 2022 - The ESOP Association and American Benefits Council jointly filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in support of the belief that ESOP plans need, and have, the ability to require individual arbitration to resolve individual participant disputes.  A previous District Court ruling has the potential to eliminate individual arbitration, which would dramatically increase the litigation costs for companies with employee defined-contribution retirement plans, such as ESOPs and 401(k)s. 
Mar. 11
Yesterday the House of Representatives passed H.R. 2471, an omnibus spending bill consisting of all 12 fiscal year 2022 appropriations bills and supplemental funding to support Ukraine. 
Late last evening, in less than 48 hours after the final text was unveiled, the Senate passed this spending package that will fund the federal government through September 2022. The funding package now heads to the White House for President Biden’s signature.
Most importantly for TEA members, the bill includes some wins for employee ownership.
Mar. 10
On March 9th, the House passed H.R. 2471, an approximately $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill consisting of all 12 fiscal year 2022 appropriations bills plus supplemental funding of $14 billion to support Ukraine and other measures.  The legislation passed in two pieces with two votes, each of which had bipartisan support. The Senate is expected to act and pass the bill before week’s end.  Most importantly for TEA members, the bill includes some wins for employee ownership.
Mar. 01
Des Moines Iowa, March 1, 2022 –Today Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds returned to Library Binding Services (LBS Inc.), a 100% employee-owned business, to sign into law legislation to eliminate state taxes on retirement income, including taxes on Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP) distributions.  This important change has the power to motivate more Iowa business owners to sell their businesses to their employees as a business succession plan. 
Nov. 12
ESOP Association, Employee Ownership Foundation Announce Record-Breaking Fundraising Month During First Annual ESOPATHON
New Tradition Begins as October’s ESOPATHON Initiative Raises Critical Resources to Further the Cause of Employee Ownership
Nov. 11
The ESOP Association Announces AACE Awards Winners
Annual Awards Honor Excellence in Communications Across the ESOP Community
November 11, 2021, Las Vegas, Nevada – The ESOP Association today announced the winners of the Annual Awards for Communications Excellence (AACE) at a special event held during the Employee Owned 2021 conference at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Jun. 21
Today, Project Equity and The ESOP Association (TEA) announced a new partnership designed to amplify employee ownership as a way to preserve businesses, strengthen jobs and build a more resilient post-pandemic economy. This partnership will use new, nationwide state-by-state data to demonstrate for lawmakers the impact of ESOPs (Employee Stock Ownership Plans) and worker cooperatives, particularly in relation to the massive generational shift in business ownership facing the nation, known as the “Silver Tsunami.” Project Equity used its data analysis to create 50 state-specific infographics which will be released as part of The ESOP Association’s 47th National Conference in Washington, DC this week. TEA has scheduled more than 220 individual meetings with Members of Congress and their staff to share the data as well as other legislative and regulatory priorities for the employee ownership community.