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The ESOP Association

ESOP Association Resources

May. 16
Employee Equity Investment Act Would Expand Employee Ownership by Increasing Critical Access to Capital for ESOPs
Washington, D.C. – The ESOP Association today praised the introduction of the bipartisan Employee Equity Investment Act (EEIA) in the House and Senate.
The legislation aims to grow employee ownership in the U.S. by helping to dramatically improve the way new ESOPs are financed by providing much-needed access to capital, which has long been an impediment to new ESOP formation.
May. 10
Anyone involved with the ESOP community for any length of time has been confronted, and confounded, by the difficulties posed by the U.S. Department of Labor.  The DOL’s enforcement division – the Employee Benefit Security Administration (EBSA) – was tasked under ERISA with serving as the protector of employee beneficiaries of qualified retirement plans.  
May. 03
DOL Commits to Provide Long-Sought Regulatory Clarity with Stakeholder Input on the Valuation of Company Shares to be Bought by an ESOP
In a major victory for ESOPs, the U.S. Department of Labor earlier this month committed to move forward with a public notice and comment rulemaking on a key regulation the employee ownership community has sought since ESOPs were first created in 1974. The regulation will clearly define Adequate Consideration under Section 408(e) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), something The ESOP Association has long fought for.
May. 01
One of the key things needed for effective advocacy is a considered and well-thought-out agenda.  Over the past year, The ESOP Association’s Public Policy Council (PPC), first constituted in 2021, has been engaged in an organization-wide effort to identify and expand on our agenda.  Input from TEA members was solicited online, via town halls at TEA conferences, at chapter events, and through TEA’s Public Policy Council.  We are pleased to now release the results of this process.   
Jul. 29
Welcome to the July issue of the ESOP Report. This month we feature a lot of information about employee engagement, growing a culture, and resources to help your ESOP.
Jul. 21
Yesterday the House of Representatives passed H.R. 8294, a package of six fiscal year 2023 federal appropriations bills. The six-bill package includes the FY 2023 Financial Services and General Government funding bill, whose related agencies like the Small Business Administration have regulatory oversight of some ESOP-related issues, and which includes provisions that will directly impact ESOPs and employee ownership in America.
Employee Ownership Month, Employee Ownership Foundation, ESOP Association, ESOP Blog, Resource, Employee Resources
Aug. 26
Let us help you spread the word on employee ownership this October.  
Recently, we were talking to one of our members about her ESOP company’s preparations for Employee Ownership Month (EOM). She shared some of her concerns: 

She was not sure how much bandwidth her fellow employee owners would have for EOM activities, especially since many have school age children who will be home while attending classes remotely this fall.  
Aug. 10
Rutgers University School of Management and Labor Relations' Kelso Fellows, supported by The Employee Ownership Foundation (EOF) have released the results of their nationwide ESOP survey. To see the results please visit the EOF website: 
Aug. 03
In this month's edition of your member newsletter, read about an exciting new bill that can help promote ESOP expansion, , a new research project funded by the Employee Ownership Foundation and that is seeking ESOP companies to participate, updated plans for judging the AACE and Employee Ownership Month competitions, new networks on The HUB, final electronic disclosure regulations from the Department of Labor, and more.