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The ESOP Association

ESOP Association Resources

Jun. 21
Today, Project Equity and The ESOP Association (TEA) announced a new partnership designed to amplify employee ownership as a way to preserve businesses, strengthen jobs and build a more resilient post-pandemic economy. This partnership will use new, nationwide state-by-state data to demonstrate for lawmakers the impact of ESOPs (Employee Stock Ownership Plans) and worker cooperatives, particularly in relation to the massive generational shift in business ownership facing the nation, known as the “Silver Tsunami.” Project Equity used its data analysis to create 50 state-specific infographics which will be released as part of The ESOP Association’s 47th National Conference in Washington, DC this week. TEA has scheduled more than 220 individual meetings with Members of Congress and their staff to share the data as well as other legislative and regulatory priorities for the employee ownership community.
Jun. 08
The latest news from the ESOP community and TEA. Make sure to share the ESOP Report with your colleagues!
Revised 6.9.2021 at 2:30PM.
Jun. 03
A Look at Funding Via Pension Plans and Some Insights on Which Situations Might Best Fit this Approach
Oct. 27
October 27, 2020, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard E. Neal (D-MA) and Ranking Member Kevin Brady (R-TX), both ESOP Champions, introduced the Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2020. This bipartisan legislation seeks to help Americans successfully save for a secure retirement.
Oct. 26
In the midst of the pandemic, companies that are owned by their employees are dramatically outperforming other firms in such key areas as securing employees’ jobs, and maintaining work hours, salary, and workplace health and safety.
Read the key findings >
Oct. 15
How ESOP companies are navigating the pandemic, partial plan termination. 
Oct. 15
Update on Virtual Regional Meeting, Employee Ownership Month, advocacy update, member spotlight on the VGM Group, and sponsorships for ESOP 2020. 
Oct. 08
See this month's ESOP Report—offered exclusively to ESOP Association members—to read about great Employee Ownership Month activities taking place this October, why voting makes you a more powerful ESOP advocate than you might realize, how to overcome adversity through transparency (which doesn't mean giving away trade secrets) and much more!
Oct. 08
Your high level roadmap to the 2020 congressional and gubernatorial elections. 
ESOP Blog, Resource
Feb. 28
In this, our final installment on common criticisms of ESOPs—and why they are wrong—we’ll look at the assertion that ESOPs are not real ownership.
According to cynics, ESOPs are “fake” ownership plans. In “real” ownership, they argue, the owners control their assets by determining such things as who runs the company, who sits on the Board of Directors, when major corporate decisions are made that might impact the future of the company, and so on.
But ESOPs are true ownership.