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The ESOP Association

ESOP Association Resources

Jul. 29
Welcome to the July issue of the ESOP Report. This month we feature a lot of information about employee engagement, growing a culture, and resources to help your ESOP.
Jul. 21
Yesterday the House of Representatives passed H.R. 8294, a package of six fiscal year 2023 federal appropriations bills. The six-bill package includes the FY 2023 Financial Services and General Government funding bill, whose related agencies like the Small Business Administration have regulatory oversight of some ESOP-related issues, and which includes provisions that will directly impact ESOPs and employee ownership in America.
ESOP Blog, Resource
Jun. 26
Why Employee Ownership Was The Right Choice for America
What do Independence Day, ESOPs, and fishing have in common? More than you might think.
During the Revolutionary War, the British attempted to wipe out America’s Cod fleet because it was a critical part of our economy and a source of able hands for America’s growing Navy. Those efforts left the industry crippled for years after the last musket was fired in Yorktown.
Resource, ESOP Report, Legal Update, Ownership Advantage, Washington Report, President's Page, C Corporations, AACE Winners, Annual Conference
Jun. 01
The Annual Conference confirms that we are all Better Together.
Sep. 02
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) passes to address public concern that private pension plan funds were being mismanaged, and officially recognizes employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs). While employee ownership and equity (stock) plans have existed prior to this point, ERISA launches them formally as qualified retirement plans (QRPs) under federal law thereby subjecting them to regulation by the U.S. Department of Labor and the IRS.