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The ESOP Association

ESOP Association Resources

Oct. 27
October 27, 2020, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard E. Neal (D-MA) and Ranking Member Kevin Brady (R-TX), both ESOP Champions, introduced the Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2020. This bipartisan legislation seeks to help Americans successfully save for a secure retirement.
Oct. 26
In the midst of the pandemic, companies that are owned by their employees are dramatically outperforming other firms in such key areas as securing employees’ jobs, and maintaining work hours, salary, and workplace health and safety.
Read the key findings >
Oct. 15
How ESOP companies are navigating the pandemic, partial plan termination. 
Oct. 15
Update on Virtual Regional Meeting, Employee Ownership Month, advocacy update, member spotlight on the VGM Group, and sponsorships for ESOP 2020. 
Oct. 08
See this month's ESOP Report—offered exclusively to ESOP Association members—to read about great Employee Ownership Month activities taking place this October, why voting makes you a more powerful ESOP advocate than you might realize, how to overcome adversity through transparency (which doesn't mean giving away trade secrets) and much more!
Oct. 08
Your high level roadmap to the 2020 congressional and gubernatorial elections. 
Employee Ownership Month, Employee Ownership Foundation, ESOP Association, ESOP Blog, Resource, Employee Resources
Aug. 26
Let us help you spread the word on employee ownership this October.  
Recently, we were talking to one of our members about her ESOP company’s preparations for Employee Ownership Month (EOM). She shared some of her concerns: 

She was not sure how much bandwidth her fellow employee owners would have for EOM activities, especially since many have school age children who will be home while attending classes remotely this fall.  
Aug. 10
Rutgers University School of Management and Labor Relations' Kelso Fellows, supported by The Employee Ownership Foundation (EOF) have released the results of their nationwide ESOP survey. To see the results please visit the EOF website: 
Aug. 03
In this month's edition of your member newsletter, read about an exciting new bill that can help promote ESOP expansion, , a new research project funded by the Employee Ownership Foundation and that is seeking ESOP companies to participate, updated plans for judging the AACE and Employee Ownership Month competitions, new networks on The HUB, final electronic disclosure regulations from the Department of Labor, and more. 
Jun. 06
After a concerted effort, Congress and the Administration are persuaded to improve the 1996 Subchapter S ESOP Law, and beginning in 1998 it becomes allowable for Subchapter S Corporations to sponsor an ESOP. Previously, S-corporations could not sponsor ESOPs because qualified retirement plans could not own stock in the sponsoring company.