COVID-19 Economic Response Webinars Archive
Welcome to The ESOP Association's Webinar Archive. Below you can find an archive of recorded events from our highly successful COVID-19 Economic Response Series. These webinars are available to all members of The ESOP Association as an exclusive member benefit. Please click the links below to see recordings from these webinars and access the presentation slides.
Originally Aired May 18, 2020
Do your company’s financial decisions align with your corporate culture priorities during this pandemic? Finances and culture are key areas of focus for all companies, but how do they work together during this time of uncertainty to ensure the company’s goals are achieved? This session will highlight several key strategies for you to follow to ensure both areas are balanced.
Originally Aired May 15, 2020
States are discussing allowing businesses to open after the mandatory shutdown of non-essential operations. Are you ready to open? What do you need to consider before workers come back? Join us for this webinar as we discuss how to prepare the workplace, what you should do to maintain it, what are the rules and guidelines you should be following and what you need to tell your workers. This promises to be an informative session.
Originally Aired May 14, 2020
Who you are should not change when times get tough. But you may need to adapt and adjust. In these cases, you need to understand how your decisions about living your values will be seen by employee-owners. Will your actions be seen as adapting, or abandoning your principles? If you don’t manage expectations and communicate well, you risk creating a negative impression that will stay with employee owners after the pandemic ends.
Originally Aired May 13, 2020
Today’s global economy may negatively affect the sustainability of your ESOP. While no one-size-fits all approach exists for all ESOP companies, this webinar will help you get a handle on key sustainability questions to consider, such as how fluctuations in stock value and cash flow may affect repurchase obligations; the potential ramifications of a prolonged decline; and the interplay of liquidity, solvency, and valuation on employee benefits.
Originally Aired May 11, 2020
Like the CEO Spotlight, our first CFO Spotlight in early April was extremely popular. But the business world continues to change rapidly, so new ideas and solutions are needed. Join your fellow ESOP company finance executives to talk about the lessons learned during the pandemic, ways to manage cash flow, and strategies for maintaining profitability.
Originally Aired May 7, 2020
During this crisis, many firms have had to make the difficult decision to furlough or layoff employees. When the employees are also owners, this decision is even more difficult. How do you manage the layoff process in a way that conveys respect for all employee owners and reinforces your culture? How do you explain your decision to those being laid off and to those employee owners who remain? What advice should you consider regarding who to lay off, why, and when?
Originally Aired May 6, 2020
Our first CEO Spotlight in early April was so popular we are doing it again! Come join your fellow top ESOP company executives to discuss lessons learned from the pandemic, how companies are working to act in socially responsible ways, and steps being taken to to establish a new normal for the workplace.
Originally Aired May 4, 2020
In the rush to secure critical relief funding, many businesses applied for and received PPP funding but now they are reevaluating their decision to accept the funds. Congress has granted a safe harbor to return the money by May 7 and it will presume the original certification for the need was made in good faith. So what do you do? Join this ESOP Association webinar and hear what the business and financial experts are saying to help you make your decision.
Originally Aired May 4, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has created unique, complex situations that are best tackled by considering multiple points of view—including legislative, financial, and cultural. In this webinar, our panel of experts from a range of fields will take your questions and provide a multi-dimensional perspective to help you arrive at the best, most well-rounded solution possible.
Originally Aired April 30, 2020
As businesses start planning for their eventual reopening, what do they need to consider? What sorts of events and factors will determine your timeline for opening your doors? What challenges exist for companies as they transition from remote work back to working on-site? What are some good practices companies can consider as they plan their first steps toward the “new normal” for the workplace?
Originally Aired April 29, 2020
ESOP companies need to grapple not only with how COVID-19 affects their current valuation, but also how it will affect the valuation for the coming year. This discussion will offer insights into repercussions from the pandemic and how they may affect your valuation. For example, if you land a government loan or grant that encourages you to retain employee owners, does that put your business in conflict with its goal of promoting a healthy share value for all employees, if demand for your products or services suffers?
Originally Aired April 27, 2020
National attention remains fixed on Congress and the White House as our nation and economy navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and shutdown. Hear directly from TEA President Jim Bonham on the latest legislation, federal assistance, and TEA advocacy efforts being made on your behalf. Congress is expected to approve additional funding for small business but is also turning its attention to a larger package of economic and regulatory assistance before Memorial Day.
Originally Aired April 24, 2020
How does the current economic reality impact executive compensation programs such as performance bonuses or stock appreciation rights? Can distributions from such programs be delayed under Section 409A? Should companies consider additional or alternate awards if bonuses are reduced or performance awards fail to vest given the downturn? Join us as a seasoned compensation consultant and equity compensation attorney discuss these issues and other lessons learned during the great recession.
Originally Aired April 22, 2020
All companies are facing challenges today, but not all have the secret weapon present at so many ESOP companies: When times are tough, employee-owners need to pull together for their mutual benefit—and who better than their peers on the ESOP Communications Committee to share information, reinforce the culture, and ensure everyone stays positive and cooperative? Come see how to maximize the value of your ESOP committee in challenging times.
Originally Aired April 20, 2020
The pandemic may cause an unprecedented number of employee-owners to unexpectedly leave the business—through layoffs, to care for others, or because they succumb to this illness. As the company soldiers on in the midst of these sometimes tragic losses, it is forced to grapple with key financial decisions that are complicated by an incredibly unpredictable and unstable economy. How can companies adapt to these situations and ensure they plan adequately for repurchase obligations so they can best serve their remaining employee-owners?
Establishing New Workplace Norms in a Crisis
Originally Aired April 17, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused every workplace to change and adapt in some manner—so much so that it can seem like nothing is the same. In these times of massive transition and uncertainty, ESOP companies need to establish new norms for working and interacting. How can you best accomplish this? How do you keep the culture you have spent so much energy and effort to build? What might new norms look like, and how can these be best communicated to employee-owners? Attend this webinar to hear great tips and gather ideas.
How Boards Should Help Manage Crises
Originally Aired April 15, 2020
Board members can be a tremendous resource during crises: They can draw on outside and varied experiences and offer observations and ideas that might not arise internally. How can ESOP companies best leverage the expertise of their board during the current challenges? What are board members’ responsibilities at such times? On which issues should they be guiding management? And what information should management be providing to the board, proactively? This session is well suited to both board members and senior leaders at ESOP companies.
Dealing with ESOP Distributions When Cash Is Tight
Originally Aired April 13, 2020
How can ESOP companies strategically deal with the need to make distributions at a time when cash is tight? This is an especially timely topic as the current financial crisis may lead some companies to make tough personnel decisions — including layoffs and terminations — which also have implications for distributions. At the same time, those nearing retirement may wish to cash in now and get their distributions earlier. Attend this special webinar to learn how to best to manage these situations in the midst of a financial meltdown.
The Leaders' Role in a Crisis
Originally Aired April 10, 2020
The current health and economic crises pose challenges no company has faced before. Unimaginable stresses to an organization's infrastructure, finances, cash flow, and employee owners all can tax leaders at the moment their organizations need them most. Come to this webinar for insights and information on leading your team, your division, and your ESOP company through these current and future challenges.
Engaging a Remote Workforce
Originally Aired April 8, 2020
ESOP companies typically have highly engaged workforces — but how do you maintain that level of camaraderie and interaction when employee owners are required to work remotely? How do you maintain your culture when the entire organization interacts in a fundamentally different way? Come hear terrific tips on making sure your ESOP culture does not fall victim to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Originally Aired April 7, 2020
The new CARES Act provides urgently needed loans and grants for ESOPs through the Small Business Administration. SBA is bracing for a tidal wave of applications, and this webinar is designed to give you access to some of the top professionals in the nation who have already started working within these programs. Use this valuable session to streamline your own process and make sure your application is ready for submission. Hear our panel of experts offer their insights on speeding up the loan and grant process for your ESOP company.
Cyber Security for a Larger Remote Workforce
Originally Aired April 6, 2020
Many companies have moved most or even all their employee owners into remote working roles. Having employee owners connect through the Internet poses a terrific opportunity — for hackers who are looking to disrupt companies and extract ransom payments. Security experts expect the number of cyber attacks to rise dramatically. What can your ESOP company do to bolster security and keep your information — and your employee owners' identities — safe?
CFO Spotlight: Hear from other CFO's in a facilitated conversation
Originally Aired April 2, 2020
Hear from a panel of leading ESOP CFO's about how their companies are navigating the economic downturn, maintaining their company values, and building plans. Pose your questions and offer insights of your own.
CEO Spotlight: Hear from other CEO's in a facilitated conversation
Originally Aired April 2, 2020
Hear from a panel of leading ESOP CEO's about how they are navigating the economic downturn, maintaining their company values, and building their plan for the future.
Update from DC: ESOP Advocacy and what Congress is doing to help
Originally Aired March 31, 2020
Congress is taking unprecedented steps to support our nation’s businesses and employees—are ESOPs being included in these efforts? Are regulators considering ways to ease the unique burdens ESOP companies face? Attend this cutting-edge presentation to how TEA is advocating on your behalf, and how these efforts may help your ESOP company weather the current economic storm.
What Payments Can I Delay?
Originally Aired April 1, 2020
No one is immune to the current financial crisis, and every ESOP company is looking for ways to help weather the storm. Learn about your options for slowing the outflow of funds by delaying certain kinds of payments and conserving cash. While such options may be difficult to consider, they also may be necessary for maintaining the health of the plan for the greatest number of employees.
OVERCOME Your Cash Flow Challenge
Originally Aired March 30, 2020
We learned from 9/11 and the 2008 Great Recession that in times like these, cash is king. The sudden economic downturn has upended business strategies and it is difficult to know how long it will last. Every company is actively looking to manage and conserve cash. What options are availale to ESOP companies, and what considerations need to be made? Where can you turn and what steps should you take to speed the process? Listen to our experts help you manage your cash flow and maintain your liquidity.
Adjusting to The New Reality: Workforce Reductions & ESOP Testing
Originally Aired March 30, 2020
No company wants to consider workforce reductions, but they can be necessary for preserving the greatest number of jobs and the health of your plan. For ESOP companies the decision of whether, how, or when to reduce FTE's is complicated by a series of potentially complex financial repercussions. How might layoffs affect your ESOP contribution deduction limits or coverage testing? Will forloughs or temporary reductions affect your plan differently from permanent termination of employment? Is partial plan termination an option you should consider? And how might a sudden drop in value affect your 409p testing—potentially putting your entire ESOP at risk? Attend this special webinar and get insights on timely responses for these turbulent times.
Pandemic Valuations: 2019 Year End & Post Crisis Issues
Originally Aired March 27, 2020
The speed, scale, and timing of the economic downturn cascading from the COVID-19 pandemic has put ESOP companies into valuation quandries: Should the current economic situation impact 2019 valuations that are underway but not yet completed, if so, to what degree? Should ESOP companies consider interim or re-valuations for issues such as payments? How will answers to these questions impact other decisions, such as mandatory payouts or diversification? Join our experts as they discuss options to consider and see how they answer your questions and those of your peers. This is truly invaluable information at a crucial time.