Chapter News

Iowa / Nebraska Chapter Chat | Episode 8: National Employee Owned Company of the Year Highlight

Iowa / Nebraska Chapter


Special guest host, Jason Wellman (ESOP Partners), president of the Wisconsin Chapter, sits down to chat with Emily Burds and Angie Hoover (Rayser Holdings) as they recap their experience at the ESOP Association's National Conference in Washington, DC and share the experience of being named the 2024 National Employee Owned Company of the Year.

They discuss the Advocacy Academy, the success of the Hill visits, and the importance of following up with senators and representatives. They also highlight the announcement of Luke Nichols, son of Chris Nichols, from Rayser Holdings, as one of the three award winners of the Employee Ownership Foundation Trustee Scholars Program. The conversation covers the impact of employee ownership, the need for better communication and marketing, and the importance of leadership and inclusion in employee engagement.

Those interested in learning more about the award can reach out to Angie ( or Emily ( with questions.

The TEA IA/NE Chapter Chat is an ongoing platform for the chapter to share ideas, news, and updates. Be sure to go and follow our brand new LinkedIn page to see all the latest! Questions or feedback about the podcast can be sent to Emily Burds at