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The ESOP Association

ESOP Association Resources

Ownership Advantage, Legal Update, Congressional Testimony, Daniel Goldstein, House testimony, Sen. Sanders, ESOP Insurance, Redeem, Recycle
Feb. 27
Member Daniel Goldstein testifies before Congress on behalf of The ESOP Association, saying regulations and help with loans must be addressed now.
ESOP Report, Legal Update, Ownership Advantage, President's Corner, Washington Report, Stock Drop Cases, Advocacy, Gary Shorman, Ali Jamshidi, Karen Ellis, DOL, Resource
May. 01

Rep. Guthrie elicits key on-the-record comments from Labor Secretary Acosta.  

ESOP Brief, Repurchase Obligation, Opportunity Cost, New Present Value, Redeem, Recycle, Resource
Feb. 25
Using opportunity cost to understand the true cost of the repurchase obligation on an ESOP company’s share price.
ESOP Brief, Repurchase Obligation, Redeem, Recycle, Opportunity Cost, Resource
Dec. 20
This ESOP Brief introduces the concept of opportunity cost and the implications for share price when private companies devote resources to fund repurchase obligations.
ESOP Brief, Repurchase Obligation, Valuation, Recycle, Redeem, Resource
Dec. 20
This ESOP Brief explains how an ESOP company’s repurchase obligation should be understood and managed, and how the repurchase obligation associated with the ESOP should be reflected in the valuation.
ESOP Brief, Leveraged ESOPs, Convertible Stock, Financing, Resource
Dec. 20
How to use convertible preferred stock in an ESOP.
Resource, ESOP Report, Legal Update, Ownership Advantage, Washington Report, President's Page, DOL, Mullins, Kelso Fellows, AACE
Nov. 01
Time for change at the Department of Labor.
Resource, ESOP Report, Legal Update, Ownership Advantage, Washington Report, President's Page, DOL, Mullins, Kelso Fellows, AACE
Oct. 01
Responding to a hurricane, the ESOP way.
Resource, ESOP Report, Legal Update, Ownership Advantage, Washington Report, President's Page, 1042, Related Party Deduction, Susan Collins, Kelly Ayotte, Gary Shorman, Ali Jamshidi, Missy Pieske
Jan. 07
ESOPS: A truly American invention.