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The ESOP Association

ESOP Association Resources

Feb. 10
At The ESOP Association, we’re resolving to continue the exciting growth and accomplishments from 2022 and striving to serve our membership in new and better ways.
Oct. 31
Election Day is November 8th, 2022, and it’s important that employee owners take the time to ensure their voice is heard when selecting our representatives in Washington, D.C. and in state houses and legislatures nationwide.  And while we often think or talk about election “day”, the reality is that your opportunity to vote extends well before election day.  In 2020, more than 91 million ballots had been cast by Halloween.  In the end, more than 154 million votes were cast in 2020, out of more than 257 million potential voters.
Ownership Advantage, Legal Update, Congressional Testimony, Daniel Goldstein, House testimony, Sen. Sanders, ESOP Insurance, Redeem, Recycle
Feb. 27
Member Daniel Goldstein testifies before Congress on behalf of The ESOP Association, saying regulations and help with loans must be addressed now.
Advocacy, Adequate Consideration
Feb. 12
The following written testimony was provided by Daniel Goldstein, President and CEO of Folience, to the Feb. 12, 2020 hearing of the House Committee on Small Business.
Advocacy, Department of Labor
Feb. 12
TEA member Daniel Goldstein, President and CEO of Folience, testified on behalf of The ESOP Association at a Feb. 12, 2020 hearing of the House Committee on Small Business. Read More >
Advocacy, Congress, House of Representatives, ESOP Support
Dec. 12

This page lists members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, broken down by state, who have shown their support of ESOPs. 


ESOP Association, ESOP Blog, Wealth Inequality, Wealth Distribution, Kellogg Foundation, ESOP Research, Rutgers University, Resource
Oct. 16
There is plenty of data about wealth inequality, focusing on data alone misses a key point: Wealth inequality is about people. It is about people who go to work, pay their bills, meet their responsibilities, contribute to their communities, and pay their taxes—and who, in spite of their best efforts, are prevented from sharing in the wealth they help create.
ESOP Blog, Employee Training, Culture, Employee Ownership Foundation, ESOP Research, Program Research, Resource
Oct. 07
Providing training to employees helps keep their skills sharp and can lead to improved productivity. It also shows a commitment to employee growth and development that may pay additional dividends, including potentially having a positive effect on employee retention.
ESOP Blog, Employee Ownership Foundation, ESOP Research, Employee Ownership Month, Blog, Resource
Oct. 03
In some ways, the benefits of having an ESOP are obvious: Tax benefits for S and C corps probably are at the top of the list, followed closely by increased employee engagement and productivity.
In other areas, research is constantly finding new and important ways that companies benefit from having an ESOP. Here are just some reasons that have been brought to light by recent research.
ESOP Blog, ESOP Benefits, Retirement Benefits, Employee Ownership Foundation, Employee Ownership Basics, Employee Training, Employee Ownership Month, Resource
Oct. 01
Today we kick off Employee Ownership Month, a month-long celebration of ESOPs and an opportunity to educate the world about the benefits employee ownership offers to employees and businesses alike.
It’s a celebration that takes a month to complete because there is that much to like—even, love—about ESOPs. And it is all backed up with data—much of it courtesy of the Employee Ownership Foundation and those who support it.