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Employee Ownership, Culture
Oct. 30
Editor’s Note: As part of this year’s Employee Ownership Month celebration, we asked our members to share, in their own words, what being an employer means to them.
By Leila Castañeda, Strategic Initiatives Manager, Rincon Technology, Inc.
When I first interviewed for the position at Rincon Technology, I was asked to describe the life I always wanted to live; it was a question I had never been asked before by a potential employer. My shoulders and expression relaxed. Lost in thought, contemplating the request, I responded: “freedom.”
ESOP Blog, Employee Training, Culture, Employee Ownership Foundation, ESOP Research, Program Research, Resource
Oct. 07
Providing training to employees helps keep their skills sharp and can lead to improved productivity. It also shows a commitment to employee growth and development that may pay additional dividends, including potentially having a positive effect on employee retention.
ESOP Blog, Employee Ownership, Employee Ownership Foundation, GSS Research, ESOP Research, Rutgers University, Culture, Resource
Jun. 13
It’s no surprise that Americans disagree about a lot of things….
Just try getting consensus on a group of people’s preference for cats or dogs, pie flavors or person most likely to take the Iron Throne in Game of Thrones. Close to impossible.
ESOP Blog, Culture, Communications, National Conference, Keynote, Resource
Apr. 24
Frank Luntz, a world-renowned expert on business communication and political trends, will offer his unique insights on communicating in an employee owner setting at the National Conference in May.

ESOP Brief, Synthetic Equity, Warrants, Options, Valuation, Resource
Feb. 25
Written for ESOP fiduciaries and trustees, this Brief discusses the interplay of synthetic equity, warrants, and various valuation methods.
ESOP Brief, Culture, Productivity, Resource
Dec. 17
Why should you consider employee ownership in your company? Does it work? What are the advantages? These questions and more answered in this ESOP Brief.
ESOP Brief, KSOPs, 401(k), Resource
Dec. 17
A summary of how ESOPs and 401(k) plans can work together to benefit the employee owner and the employer.
ESOP Report, Resource, Legal Update, Ownership Advantage, PBGC, Washington Report, ESOP PAC, Valuation, Lifetouch, Culture, AACE
Dec. 01
Deadlines loom for AACE and EOM Poster competitions.
Resource, ESOP Report, Legal Update, Ownership Advantage, Washington Report, President's Page, Control Premiums, ESOP Loan, Fiduciary Rule, Gary Shorman, Butler, Becker
Feb. 01
A cure for political disagreement.