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ESOP Association Resources

Jun. 22
Senate Finance Committee passes the Enhancing American Retirement Now (EARN) Act, which includes a provision partially expanding section 1042 tax deferral to ESOPs that are S-corporations. The EARN Act section 1042 provision matches a similar provision in the Securing a Strong Retirement Act (H.R 2954) which passed the House of Representatives in March.  The bill passed the Senate Finance Committee with unanimous support.
Jun. 17
The Senate Finance Committee today released a summary of the Enhancing American Retirement Now (EARN)
Jun. 14
The United States Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee has passed S. 4353, the Retirement Improvement and Savings Enhancement to Supplement Healthy Investments for the Nest Egg (RISE and SHINE) Act, which includes significant provisions that promote ESOPs and require the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) to provide regulatory guidance the Association has been seeking for more than four decades.
Jun. 07
Comment Letter Forewarns against Future Use of Proposed New Regs Against ESOPs; Requests the Department hold Public Hearings
Jun. 02
New legislation, titled the RISE and SHINE Act, is expected to be introduced into the U.S. Senate with significant provisions that promote ESOPs and requires the U.S. Department of Labor to provide long-needed regulatory guidance. 
Jun. 01
Inside this Issue:
Message from the President
OH/KY Chapter Spring Conference Recap
TEA National Conference in DC Recap
Meet Your OH/KY Chapter Officers
New Member Highlight
Thank Our Sponsors
Pricing Power is Critical in Inflationary Environments
Jun. 26
On June 22nd, the Small Business Administration (SBA) and Department of the Treasury released revisions to the interim final rule on forgiveness and the interim final rule on loan review procedures for PPP loans.
Jun. 24
Companies planning to re-open their doors have a new resource to help them: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has released guidance employers should use when developing policies and procedures that ensure the safety and health of their employees.
Jun. 22
As companies re-open and the standards change for how to remain safe, communicating with employee owners will become even more important—and more challenging.
Program Research
Jun. 20
For nearly the last decade, the Employee Ownership Foundation has provided the funding necessary to collect data regarding employee ownership as part of the General Social Survey (GSS). This survey, and the data it produces, is considered the gold-standard for data used by academic researchers interested in studying the American population. The data is openly available and has subsequently been used by academics to better understand Americans’ attitudes toward employee ownership and the impact it has on their lives. This new report published by Dr. Joseph Blasi and Dr. Doug Kruse of Rutgers University analyzed the newest release of GSS data and observed the overwhelming and uniquely bi-partisan support for employee ownership across all demographics and citizen profiles.