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The ESOP Association

ESOP Association Resources

Sep. 30
During a Congressional hearing held today by the U.S. House Small Business Committee, TEA Immediate Past Chair and Chairman of Eagle Communications, Gary Shorman, discussed the importance of Employee Ownership, the need for quick access to Small Business Administration loans, and the chilling effect of the Department of Labor’s lack of guidance on ESOP formation.
During Shorman’s testimony he asked Congress to:
Jun. 22
As companies re-open and the standards change for how to remain safe, communicating with employee owners will become even more important—and more challenging.
Program Research
Jun. 20
For nearly the last decade, the Employee Ownership Foundation has provided the funding necessary to collect data regarding employee ownership as part of the General Social Survey (GSS). This survey, and the data it produces, is considered the gold-standard for data used by academic researchers interested in studying the American population. The data is openly available and has subsequently been used by academics to better understand Americans’ attitudes toward employee ownership and the impact it has on their lives. This new report published by Dr. Joseph Blasi and Dr. Doug Kruse of Rutgers University analyzed the newest release of GSS data and observed the overwhelming and uniquely bi-partisan support for employee ownership across all demographics and citizen profiles.
ESOP Association, COVID-19
Jun. 10
If you are like me, much of the last three months has been spent thinking about how to best navigate your business, your job, and your family through the COVID-19 crisis that continues to grip the world with uncertainty and consequence. If it has been said once, it has been said a million times—these are difficult and challenging times, to be sure. But they do not need to be without direction or, even, hopefulness for the future.
COVID-19, remote work, hoteling, third shift
Apr. 27
As companies mull how to return to work, they may want to consider ways that the workplace may need to shift and adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are some thoughts about how the future may look.
ESOP Blog, Resource
Jul. 31
You can never have too many friends in Congress. Politics is inherently changeable, and while it may seem that members of Congress have a job for life, in every session many are replaced—sometimes unexpectedly.
Some announce their retirement while others are defeated in primaries or elections. Some resign for health concerns and some leave for other factors entirely. Whatever the reason, a significant number of elected officials don’t return the following session.