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The ESOP Association

ESOP Association Resources

Oct. 31
Election Day is November 8th, 2022, and it’s important that employee owners take the time to ensure their voice is heard when selecting our representatives in Washington, D.C. and in state houses and legislatures nationwide.  And while we often think or talk about election “day”, the reality is that your opportunity to vote extends well before election day.  In 2020, more than 91 million ballots had been cast by Halloween.  In the end, more than 154 million votes were cast in 2020, out of more than 257 million potential voters.
Oct. 21
This October, Employee Ownership Month, The Gazette, a Folience brand, ran a special ESOPTOBER Employee Ownership Month Celebration Sunday Edition of their Newspaper to celebrate their ESOP and help the community understand what it means to be employee owned.
May. 26
The ESOP Association has mobilized its advocacy teams to provide support for legislation that helps fund critically needed education and state centers for employee ownership. The amendment, sponsored by Kansas Senator Jerry Moran (R) and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (I) provides $50 million in spending authority over the next four years.
ESOP Blog, Resource
May. 18
On May 10, the prestigious Aspen Institute held a panel discussion on employee ownership that was attended by individuals and groups involved in policy making and thought leadership. The ESOP Association assisted in gathering potential speakers.
The event featured a visit from Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN), and a four-person panel representing corporate members of The ESOP Association. The panelists included: