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The ESOP Association

ESOP Association Awards

Life Services Awards

Recipient: Lynn DuBois
ESOP Law Group
Northwest Chapter

Lynn DuBois has devoted her legal career to fostering employee ownership through ESOPs, educating business owners on how an ESOP can create liquidity, and at the same time provide their employees with equity ownership in the business.  

Lynn has been an enthusiastic member of the Association for over 20 years, serving on our Board of Directors and chairing our Advisory Committees, the Administration Committee, and many other volunteer roles.  


Recipient: Bob Moore
Founder, Bob's Red Mill
Northwest Chapter

Employee Owner of the Year

Finalist: Amelia Wozniak
HR Manager, Hallmark Building Supplies
Wisconsin Chapter

Finalist: Anna Canterini
Project Accountant, Williams Company
Florida Chapter

Finalist: Joe Marshall
Project Coordinator, Bowers and Kubota
Hawaii Chapter

Winner: Emily Pick
People Operations Supervisor, Holden Industries
Illinois Chapter

ESOP Company of the Year

Finalist: Palmer-Donavin
Ohio-Kentucky Chapter

Finalist: ProAct
New York/New Jersey Chapter

Winner: Rayser Holdings
Iowa/Nebraska Chapter

Chapter of the Year

Winner: New England Chapter

Member Recruitment Award

Winner: Tim Stewart
President and Managing Partner 
at DeWitt Law Firm
Wisconsin Chapter


Winner: Mid-Atlantic & Carolinas Chapter

Outstanding Chapter Officer

Winner: Sean Jackson
Bob's Red Mill
Northwest Chapter

Member Recruitment Award

Tom Roback
Blue Ridge ESOP Associates
Mid-Atlantic & Carolinas Chapter

The Professional Member Recruitment Award is not given annually, and recognizes ESOP Professionals who help drive TEA membership among their clients. Tom really understands the value that a TEA membership can provide for ESOP companies, has gone above and beyond in his support for TEA, and has been a great ambassador for the Association and the ESOP cause. Thanks, Tom, for all your efforts!

Outstanding Chapter Officer

Brian Bowers
Hawaii Chapter

Brian is a tireless advocate for ESOPs in his chapter, a member of TEA’s Public Policy Committee, and works on TEA’s national advocacy efforts. Beyond his other leadership contributions, he has been a stalwart supporter and manager of the Hawaii Chapter, which has the single highest rate of participation of any Chapter in the nation, with nearly 60% of all ESOPs in the state being a TEA member!